
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

The acronym ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning (enterprise resource planning), that is to say, the planning of the resources of the company. The ERP is a software package that allows you to manage all of the operational processes of a company by integrating several management functions of inventory management and controls, supply chain, accounting, human resources, customer relationship management.

Protid ERP (PRO ERP) is also available on different supports : PC, tablet, or smartphone. With the solutions of mobility, you can make a better tracking of your mobile teams, whether they are technicians of trade. Many features including geolocation, and the disconnected mode allow them to achieve their missions more efficiently, to improve performance and increase customer satisfaction.

The ERP of Protid Systems (Pro ERP) is a solution consisting of different modules, commercial and administrative, powered by a single database which ensures the uniqueness and reliability of the information stored.

The ERP protid offers a wide functional coverage to meet the needs of your business. It allows you to optimize your workflow, from purchase to sale, and help you gain efficiency. the company also offers the CRM Mobility, a solution of mobile CRM simple and powerful. Running in disconnected mode, it is also customizable and compatible with all ERP.

Features of Pro ERP

It is impossible to ignore the impact of PRO ERP in the business world. The data and business processes are grouped in ERP systems, businesses are able to harmonize the different services and to improve the flow of work, resulting in considerable cost savings.

Here are a few examples of specific benefits for the company :

Benefits of an ERP system for companies

It is impossible to ignore the impact of PRO ERP in the business world. The data and business processes are grouped in ERP systems, businesses are able to harmonize the different services and to improve the flow of work, resulting in considerable cost savings. Here are a few examples of specific benefits for the company :


  • Better understanding of the company from real-time information generated by reports
  • Reduction of operational costs through the streamlining of business processes and best practices
  • Improved Collaboration of users sharing data in contracts, purchase requests and purchase orders
  • Improved efficiency through a common user experience across many business functions and business processes in well-defined
  • Coherent Infrastructure of the back-office to front-office, with all activities of the company with the same appearance
  • High rate of adoption by users from a user experience and design in common
  • Reduced risk through better data integrity, and financial controls
  • Reduction of the costs of operating and management systems consistent and integrated

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