
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM (Customer Relationship Management),  is the art of creating, developing and maintaining a special relationship with each of your contacts.

CRM or customer relationship management is a management strategy for relationships and interactions of a company with its customers or potential customers. A CRM system helps companies to interact with customers, to streamline their processes and improve their profitability.

When they speak of CRM, people are usually referring to a CRM system, a tool used for the management of contacts, sales, productivity, and much more. The goal of a CRM system is simple : improve business relationships.

With CRM tool, so you’ll have a constant flow of customers to your door and you will be better able to nourish your relationship with them. it will take care of everything :

  • Save your customers;

  • Support in the acquisition of new customers;

  • Nurture the relationships with your existing customers;

  • Recording information in a database;

  • Analysis of the data, behaviors, etc


Thus, the CRM software you focus close to your customer and allows you to generate more sales. Because we have to be honest, the customers are just as essential to businesses as the air is to live. I am not inventing anything here.

The data will be all in the same place in order to have a better picture of the situation. This way, you will be more capable of identifying specific behaviours and make informed decisions. All of this information, these data and reports will help you create strategies for effective sales and marketing plans, lit.

And marketing in all of this?

with as much data centralized in the same place, it goes without saying that the research statistics, segmentation, and the common implementation for a global vision are accessible with a single click.

A customer service representative at the height of your products

What is a CRM software? With a name that includes client and relationship, it goes without saying that the CRM will become your best friend when it comes time to help you with your customer service.

What to expect from a CRM ?

The CRM is the focal point of the business.

More than a vector of productivity, it helps to go look for the competitiveness on markets to demanding and mature where the 4P’s of the marketing mix are no longer the difference (Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

the choice of a CRM, therefore, is strategic and should fit EXACTLY in the business of the company in order to be an accelerator and not a brake : of this fact is the origin of the abundant supply of solutions for customer relationship management that boast all their merits, to make you gain a competitive advantage.

The follow-up customers, and retention of data

With this software, you store the details of all your contacts. You also keep a track of all the exchanges with them : you can even keep a history of purchase ! Practice to create a customer file.

A reminder of important tasks

Most CRM systems help you to segment the database for the design of the e-mails targeted. You can also set up notifications for the reminders or appointments.

A virtual assistant

The tool becomes a real wizard, who remembers everything, reminds you at the right time and helps you to develop offerings that meet the needs of your customers. As contact with them, you store information very useful to create a custom offer and increase your chances of conversion.

Mobile CRM

In order to help companies optimize the processing and analysis of data about their customers, Protid Systems provides you with a solution CRM that centralizes all of the information and the trade to improve sales cycles and productivity and gain efficiency.

And to respond to the needs and uses of business on the field, Protid Systems offers you its Mobile CRM that syncs with the CRM of the office to enable access to and sharing of data anywhere and in real-time and make better the relationship with the client.


Main features

  • Lead management
  • Opportunity management
  • Business management
  • Quotation management
  • Recall management
  • the consultation agenda
  • The decision of the notes (including the audio notes) and cards
  • The location of the commercial agent

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